구글과 야휴를 뒤져봐도 1924-1935경의 동화책과 정기간행물을 중심으로 활동한 일러스트레이터라는 것 외에는 자료를 거의 찾기가 어렵네요.
Marjorie Miller, Queen of the Night, Tatler, 1931
Marjorie Miller, Spring's Promise, 1920s
Cobwebs Are Really Fairies Hammocks 1928
Feeding the Winter Birds by Marjorie Miller
Illustrations from the Tillotson Hyde Collection
Marjorie Miller, Queen of the Night, Tatler, 1931
Marjorie Miller, Spring's Promise, 1920s
Cobwebs Are Really Fairies Hammocks 1928
Feeding the Winter Birds by Marjorie Miller
Illustrations from the Tillotson Hyde Collection